Affichage du status

Status d'un job en cours

./control/anakeen-control status --help
  Get status of control manager.

  status [options]

      --format[=FORMAT]   Output format [json].
  -w, --watch[=WATCH]    Watch log and refresh each n seconds. Ignored if json format

  Get job progress and some other statuses

Log des jobs

Commande log

./anakeen-control log

Affiche les logs provenant du job courant et des anciens jobs. Les log sont affichés par date croissantes.

| Date                       | Module               | Phase               | Task       | Info                                                         |
| 2019-06-27T17:10:35.453393 | transformation       | post-install        | status     | RUNNING                                                      |
| 2019-06-27T17:10:35.453715 | transformation       | post-install        | process    | process, Process ./ank.php --script=importAccounts --file=./ |
|                            |                      |                     |            | vendor/Anakeen/TransformationEngine/HubComponent/TERoles.xml |
|                            |                      |                     |            | , RUNNING                                                    |
| 2019-06-27T17:10:35.530184 | transformation       | post-install        | process    | process, Process ./ank.php --script=importAccounts --file=./ |
|                            |                      |                     |            | vendor/Anakeen/TransformationEngine/HubComponent/TERoles.xml |
|                            |                      |                     |            | , DONE                                                       |
| 2019-06-27T17:10:35.530592 | transformation       | post-install        | process    | process, Process ./ank.php --script=importDocuments --file=. |
|                            |                      |                     |            | /vendor/Anakeen/TransformationEngine/HubComponent/hubConfigu |
|                            |                      |                     |            | ration.xml, RUNNING                                          |
| 2019-06-27T17:10:35.636635 | transformation       | post-install        | process    | process, Process ./ank.php --script=importDocuments --file=. |
|                            |                      |                     |            | /vendor/Anakeen/TransformationEngine/HubComponent/hubConfigu |
|                            |                      |                     |            | ration.xml, DONE                                             |
| 2019-06-27T17:10:35.636954 | transformation       | post-install        | status     | DONE                                                         |
| 2019-06-27T17:10:35.637325 | transformation       | purge-unreferenced- | status     | RUNNING                                                      |
|                            |                      | parameters-value    |            |                                                              |
| 2019-06-27T17:10:35.645872 | transformation       | purge-unreferenced- | status     | DONE                                                         |
|                            |                      | parameters-value    |            |                                                              |
| 2019-06-27T17:10:35.648548 | transformation       |                     | status     | INSTALLED                                                    |
| 2019-06-27T17:10:37.232512 |                      |                     | status     | done                                                         |

  Show jobs log

  log [options]

      --format[=FORMAT]   Output format [json].
      --lines[=LINES]    Display last log lines number [default: 200]

  Display log files written by previous job

Log Format JSON

./anakeen-control log --format=json --lines=3
    "module": "transformation",
    "phase": "purge-unreferenced-parameters-value",
    "task": "status",
    "value": "DONE",
    "date": "2019-06-27T17:10:35.645872"
    "module": "transformation",
    "phase": "",
    "task": "status",
    "value": "INSTALLED",
    "date": "2019-06-27T17:10:35.648548"
    "module": "",
    "phase": "",
    "task": "status",
    "value": "done",
    "date": "2019-06-27T17:10:37.232512"

Tuer un job en cours

Cette commande tue le process en cours. Elle envoi un signal SIGTERM au process.

Commande kill

./control/anakeen-control kill
#> Process 1193 is killed.

Le status passe à Interrupted après un kill.